“Tout le monde joue avec la mémoire”, presented by Nagui and Michel Cymes is a fun and educational programme centred on the theme of “memory”. Different questions are answered throughout the evening: How does our memory work? How can it be trained? And many other questions.
The viewers can play from home, live, thanks to an application set up for it. It will permit them to measure their own memory and compare it to others.
Four different types of memory are tested.
On set, Michel Cymes and Nagui welcome six celebrities who play the game: Teddy Riner, Bruno Solo, Léa Salamé, chef Chrisian Constant, Luce the singer or even Isabelle Gelinas as Nagui announces it on Twitter.
The show will be cut in four different tests corresponding to the four types of memory:
– visual-space memory (to remember what we see and how things are organized in space)
– words memory (to remember words and in a precise order)
– lived memory (to remember experiences we have been through before)
– hearing memory (to remember what we have heard, also linked with the words memory)


  • Airing Time : Tuesday April 21st from 9pm
  • Broadcasting Channel : France 2
  • Producer : Air Production and Pulsation
  • Presenter : Nagui and Michel Cymès
  • Format : 120 minutes
