Atlantis Television became the theater of multiple artistic expressions during this Christmas Party.
It’s a clubbing cabaret that welcomed guests who were entranced from the beginning of the night by the Boulbibrass marching band.
The Little Pocket Ball, under the sign of java and a Guinguette ambiance, followed this band.
Visually, it was a huge birdcage that welcomed dancers all evening long.
The fabulous dancers of the company Les Capricieuses bring glamour, charm and pertness for the night.

Between pole dance, birdcage and Cabaret animations in La Paillote, dancers adapted their choreography to the sound of the bands.
That’s how the band Quinze provided a funk and groove ambiance, unforgettable while being carried by the dancers‘ sets.
All night long, the ATLANTIS LOVE WALL allowed the bravest to leave a secret love note to the person they wanted, in little envelopes provided to this end.
At midnight, Atlantis gave place to Stéphane Basset who announced the rhythm from the beginning of his set: turn the volume up in an ambiance worth of the best club in Ibiza.

Christmas spirit is all around in Atlantis Television

Marrons 2

The “Atlantis Christmas Party » begins and works your appetite even before it really started. Careful! Danger ahead…

Boulbibrass is in the place!


Boulbibrass are playing in front of a heating up public. The brass are blending and the band naturally brings people together in a catchy melody!

Say cheese!

lightOmatic by Dazler_La Fabrique Royale _ Universal _2404

The Lightomanic is here to immortalize the good moments spent during the “Atlantis Christmas Party”. Each of them provided with a laser of different colors to realize its piece during the take! Our fried Regis is totally LOVE of the “Atlantis Christmas Party”

When the birdcage is swinging… /h3>

Danseuses Balançoire

Subtly provocative, the gorgeous dancers made their show. Between the costumes changes and their glamorous sets, the Capricieuses enlightened more than one. Enough to give you vertigo…

Le petit bal de poche

le petit Bal de poche Ca se passe chez nous Atlantis Télévision

Le petit bal de poche encourages you through known melodies of the java’s repertoire. Nobody can resist!

The crowd is cheering!


A clubbing ambiance from midnight with Stephane Basset at the decks. The crowd gets crazy! The pole dance is invaded. The “Atlantis Christmas Party” is mad!

Love Wall


It’s important to express what you feel and Christmas is the perfect occasion! The principe is simple, each guest is given a numerated badge, and this number is written on an envelope of the “Atlantis Love Wall”. Scout out the number of your crush and discreetly put a love note in their envelope…

Pôle Dance!

danseuse tutu

Vested with her beautiful dance leotard, the gorgeous Capricieuse is hypnotizing you with her pole dance show. The temperature keeps rising!