They came at home
They exhibit at home
They became our meetings
They talk about us

In a calm and collected atmosphere, Guy Lagache is preparing his next two documentaries. “le Salon de l’Agriculture” will be the first subject for the programme “Enquête d’actualité” broadcast on Wednesday march 2nd on D8. For the second documentary, be patient! We’ll find out more about it in the next few days…

In January 2015, TV MAGAZINE chose Atlantis Television to shoot its cover with Cyril Hanouna and Jean-Pierre Elkabbach.
It’s the photographer Thomas Vollaire who signs the pictures of this exceptional cover between the journalist and the star host of D8.
It was the perfect occasion for Cyril Hanouna and Bixente Lizarazu, editing at the same time, to run into each other.

It’s in Atlantis Television that the “making of” of Emir Kusturica’s movie « Life is a miracle » got edited.
The Serbian moviemaker, actor and musician, also of French nationality, twice winner of the Palme d’Or in Cannes Festival, came check on the editing.

Cantona almost naked at Atlantis Télévision
Trendier than ever, Atlantis television received Eric Cantona on set for a very artistic strip that you’ll be able to watch exclusively on a public channel very soon.
Of course, he did not avoid the taking a picture in the photo booth with his local fan club after.
The former international football player Eric Cantona said Tuesday that being French is not only to sing the “Marseillaise” or to read Guy Môquet’s letter, but first and foremost, be revolutionary upon a system which forced some people to live “in the streets”.
“Being French, is it the duty to speak French, sing the Marseillaise, read Guy Môquet’s letter? This is being dumb!” he said, being asked about his opinion on the debate around the national identity, during the presentation to the press of his book of pictures of people ill housed conducted for the Abbé Pierre’s Foundation. “I’m not saying that singing the Marseillaise is being dumb, but building all of this (the national identity, ed. note) on it…” he specified.
“Being French, it’s being revolutionary, first (…) We cannot endorse everything that’s happening” added this grand son of Spanish and Italian immigrants, member of the Friends Comity and godfather to the Foundation.
Politicians “raise debates just before the elections. Everybody knows it but (…) we are actually helping them because that’s what they want” he said. “So, let’s stop talking about it, and let’s talk about some more serious and really bad things”.
Talking about his work of photography of French people without any decent roof over their heads, he judged “inacceptable to see this in a rich country”.
“What worries me”, he resumed, “is that there are people who see this misery but get used to it”. Whe get used to this system, to see people in the streets, to everything our TV says, to the politicians’ manipulations, to the cramming” he declared.
“We have to fight against ourselves, against our biases, against the easiness of some ideas”, and, “stop thinking it’s part of the décor”, he said.
The actor and former football star Eric Cantona is playing for the first time on stage at the Marigny Theater in Paris in “Facing paradise” of Nathalie Saugeon: a challenge according to his lover Rachida Brakni, who realizes her first solo directing.
As a sign of popularity in England for the former attacker of Manchester United in the 90’s, talked about by Ken Loach in a movie “Looking For Eric”, presented at the last Cannes Festival, the English press showed an unusual interest for a Parisian play in the last few days.
Without “King Eric”, 43, this two-actors play (with Lorànt Deutsch, a familiar figure in private theater) signed by a contemporary author unknown and in a little theater (311 places) would certainly not have taken all the attention from a very busy Parisian season.
The theatric baptism of Eric Cantona, under the direction of his wife Rachida Brakni (33 on February 15) helped the play to stand out. Both actors met on the shooting of “l’Outremangeur”, out in 2003, and Rachida Brakni flirted with the envy to bring Eric Cantona into her artistic field. She is a former student of the Conservatory, and shined on stage, particularly at the Comédie-Française where she was a regular (2001-2004), even winning a Molière for the theatrical revelation (in 2002, along with a Cesar of best feminine hope).
“I really wanted to put Eric Cantona on stage, I wanted to be the first to do it: egoistically, I wanted to be the one helping him discovering his passion for theater” she explained to AFP
On stage at Popesco, Eric Cantona will play Max, a prisoner in the ruins of a building that just collapsed. Hurt, he manages to contact a voluble man, Lubin (Lorànt Deutsch), who could get out of the debris but at the expense of his unfortunate companion.
“They find themselves in a complicated situation which brings them to look themselves in a mirror and see what sense they gave to their life”, analyzes Rachida Brakni, who talks of a closed place with every element to a psychological drama and a kind of suspense.”
the director had “no worry” concerning Eric Cantona’s capacity to blossom on stage. “With his personality and his aura, I told myself he knew what to do. More so because he is a former athlete, he’s not afraid by a lot of work and discipline”. Even with 12 parts in movies (since 1995), the former international is not really prepared for a difficulty specifically theatrical, the one “being without a safety net’ every night, admits his lover.
During the long rehearsals, Eric Cantona was worried “with doubts, just like everyone”, she underlines, “but it’s someone who’s not afraid of challenges, he likes to gamble. I think he is going to be transcended by stage fright”.
Giving birth to Eric Cantona on May 24, 1966, his mother wouldn’t have think he was going to change football. Simply. The young man from Marseille joined the formation center in Auxerre, where he learns a lot before realizing his big debut with a pro team in 1983. In 1986, his great season gets him his first international selection. He wins the Europe Promising Championship in 1988 and signs directly a contract with Marseille. In august, unhappy not being selected by Henri Michel, France’s coach, he wont hesitate to publicly insult the coach. It’s the first newsworthy demonstration for Cantona, whose life will be punctuated by those declarations and gestures full of sincerity.
In January 1989, during a friendly match with Marseille, Canto as he is nicknamed, gets benched. Unhappy, he throws his jersey on the floor, which signs the end of this adventure in Marseille. He then joins Montepellier-Hérault with which he wins the France Cup. After an aborted return to Marseille because of a serious injury, he goes to Nîmes. Eric Cantona lets his nature speak, and during a match particularly hard, where arbitral decisions don’t suit him, he delicately disagrees with the referee, throwing him a ball to the face. The federation suspends him for a month, Canto answers through TV, and the Federation extends his suspension… Because of resentment or pride, the player breaks his contract and decides to end his career.
But his fans didn’t want that, among them, Michel Platini who persuades him to continue his career in England. He signs in Leeds, in January 92 and wins the England championship. He then becomes the favorite to the supporters. But his relations with the directors are not the same, and he leaves Leeds in December 1992 for Manchester United. He helps bringing he club back on the podium, winning multiple titles. He then becomes “King Eric”. Elected best player ever in Manchester United, the troubled child of French football didn’t loose anything of his nature. On January 25, 1995,in front of TV cameras, he does a “mawashigari, circular foot kick” on a supporter of the other team who had the audacity to insult him. Far from apologizing, The King had this answer that made his legend: “When birds follow a boat, it’s because they think fishes will be thrown into the sea…”.
A true icon, Eric Cantona quickly becomes the favorite to brands. He then appears in a lot of advertising campaigns, which was a sign for his later career. At 30, and after an ultimate champion title, the Marseille’s boy retires definitely to dedicate himself to his two passions: painting and cinema.
We then find him in “Le Bonheur est dans le pré” or “Mookie”. In 1998, he shines in “Les Enfants du Marais” where he befriends Michel Serrault and Jacques Villeret. He has the main character in “l’Outremangeur”, along with Rachida Brakni, whom he weds on June 16, 2007.
2008 : Lisa et le pilote d'avion, Philippe Barassat
2007 : Le Deuxième souffle, d'Alain Corneau
2005 : La Vie est à nous!, Gérard Krawczyk
2005 : Une belle histoire, Philippe Dajoux
2003 : L'Outremangeur, Thierry Binisti
2001 : La Grande vie!, Philippe Dajoux
1999 : Les Enfants du marais, Jean Becker
1998 : Mookie, Hervé Palud
1998 : Elizabeth, Shekhar Kapur
1997 : Question d'honneur, Richard Aujard
1995 : Le Bonheur est dans le pré, Etienne Chatiliez

It’s in the production offices situated on one of the Village des Prods in Atlantis 3 that Rachel and Franz-Olivier Giesbert are working daily for France 2 and their new show “Semaine critique”
Since Firday, September 3 at 11om on France 2, the show is broadcasted. It’s a cultural magazine. Proposed by Rachel Kahn and Franz-Olivier Giesbert, with the collaboration of Alexis Kebas.
Hosted by Franz-Olivier Giesbert.
This new show is dedicated to the cultural news with, each week, some debates on the set. Franz-Olivier Giesbert is accompanied by intellectuals, and some speakers from the cultural world to lead the weekly debate such as David Abiker, Fabrice d’Almeida, Nicolas Bedos, Caroline Fourest, Elizabeth Levy, Marion Ruggieri, Adélaïde de Clermont-Tonnerre.

The DVD will come out on December 1st, 2010. In this new adventure, Jamel invited his friends, comedian or not, to participate to a dozen short films created by him and his team.

To Christophe Koszarek’s demand, JARA PROD, producer of “Médias, le magazine” on France 5, the comedian will dive into the very close world of escorting. Mireille Darc goes to meet people, men, and women, transsexuals who practice it.
Away from poetic images of beautiful women with billionaires, this documentary shows that escorting has largely evolved and is now a solution for everyone. Mothers, students, seniors confide in Mireille through testimonies that helps understand the different faces of escorting.
Synonym of prostitute for some, little job for other, unique way to survive or even a real enjoyment, it appears in the movie that it exists as many definition of escorting as there are people practicing it. Each of them justifying their own arguments: humans or economics. Getting closer to escorts, Mireille Darc takes a look without judging, on this activity in full expansion and wishes to show that escorts are normal citizens, who we know and have a shadow: another life.
This troubled universe, full of charms and paid sex, was already an object of Mireille Darc’s directing.
Indeed, she directed a documentary on the pornographic universe, A life classified X. Her work on escort girls will be her 10th documentary, still on delicate topics.
This new documentary will be broadcast around the end of the year, late in the evening on France 3.
« Red Zone » : provisory title
Diffusion : documentary series “Déshabillez-nous” on France 3
Length: 52’
Director : Mireille Darc
Mireille Darc’s biography
Some star stories are full of accidents, some other are not. Mireille Darc’s journey (born as Mireille Aigroz) looks like a well-deserved success story and helped with invisible helping winds.
Born in Toulon on May 15, 1938 in a family that already counts 2 boys, this daughter of an horticulturist from Switzerland (she discovered in 2007 that he wasn’t her real father, the real one was named Edmond, was a marine on the Amiral-Charner and died in Indochina during the second World War), and of a grocer mother new really early how she wanted to live her life: she wanted to become an actor. She consequently gets into the Conservatory of Dramatic Arts of her town, where she wins the Excellency price the year of her bac. In 1959, Mireille Darc comes to Paris to achieve her dream. After only a few monthes of little jobs and some modeling, she gets the main part in La Grande Brétèche of Claude Barma. From 1960, the movie industry likes her, and reveals her to the public in Les Distractions of Jacques Dupont.
As often in those amazing careers, an encounter becomes a lot more important than others: it’s George Lautner who will be her Pygmalion, directing her in 13 movies and making a star out of her. Galia, created in 1965, is the real beginning of her career and glory. Mireille Darc will part in 30 movies during her career. The shooting of La Grande Sauterelle in 1966 will give her her nickname: the grasshopper. Not long after playing for Godard, in 1968, on the shooting of Jeff, of Jean Herman, Mireille Darc meets Alain Delon: they will share 15 years together and will often reunite on screen (l’Homme Pressé, Mort d’un Pourri, Les Seins de Glace, Borsalino), and on TV (Franck Riva in 2003) or on the wood of theaters (Sur la Route de Madison, 2007), even after their divorce.
During the 70’s, Mireille Darc shoots movies on an elevated rhythm, for and with the greatest (Deray, Molinaro, Lautner, Pirès): her participation in both movies of Le Grand Blond with Pierre Richard will turn her into the sexy and popular hero. During the next decade, she takes some time apart the movie industry to dedicate herself to photography, television and theater.
Unfortunately, this beautiful time is not easy and Mireille Darc has to go through some rough years: a really serious car accident, an open-heart surgery, and her separation with Alain Delon… At the end of the 80’s, she goes towards directing (with La Barbare) and the medico-social topics (she signs some documentaries for Envoyé Spécial of Des Racines et des Ailes, for example on organ transplant, prostitutes, people with cancer…) She loses the second love of her life, the writer and journalist, Pierre Barret, who died tragically.
In 1996, she meets the architect Pascal Desprez, who she is married with now. During the following years, Mireille Darc comes back to the screen, becoming a must in the summer sagas: Terre Indigo, le Bleu de l’Océan, les Coeurs Brûlés, les Yeux d’Hélène. In 2005, she becomes a godmother to the association LA Chaîne de l’Espoir, and she gets the title of Chevalier de l’Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur the next year directly from Jacques Chirac’s hand, president of France. She published her autobiography in 2006 “Tant que battra mon Coeur”.

Jean Dujardin came to Atlantis: pro inside the studio, and even more after.
Bingo 2009
Behind him on the podium, Dany Boon won a lill’ 3 million euros, but was offered half a million more for a film than Mister Jean. The OSS 117 hero earned 4, 4 million euros and can now pretend to a 2 million fee per film.
Loulou, alias Jean Dujardin can be happy! In 2009, he was the best paid actor in France.
First woman on the podium, Sophie Marceau is just behind Dany Boon with 2, 9 million euros of fees.
Jean Dujardin begins his life as a shimmer and locksmith.
It’s during his military service that his talent is revealed: the army will be a great source of inspiration to him.
He came to Paris, and plays in some bars, meets in the Carré Blanc Theater those – Bruno Salomone, Eric Collado, Eric Massot and Emmanuel Joucla – who he will build the “Nous C Nous” with. They create a new shows, a song simply called “Nous C Nous” and enjoy the best period of Fiesta, by Patrick Sebastien on France 2.
Between 1997 and 1998, Jean Dujardin is a three times winner of the comic category in Graine de Stars.
Making him a place on the little screen, he becomes famous thanks to his character of Loulou, he personifies from October 11, 1999 to June 2003 in the miniseries Un Gars, Une Fille with Alexandra Lamy (who will become his companion).
After an apparition in the sketches movie “A l’Abris des Regards Indiscrets” (2002) and he embodies a Weston seller in the comedy” Ah! Si j’Etais Riche” (id.), he is offered a more important role, as the ideal man in “Toutes les Filles en sont Folles”.
His name becomes synonym of success as the box office tells with Mariages! (2003) and most of all Brice de Nice (2004), where he resuscitates his favorite character of a “surfer winner” created 10 years earlier onstage. Team mate with Pascal Elbé in the police comedy “L’Amour aux Trousses” (2005) Jean Dujardin enlarges his repertoire as an actor by playing a conveyor along with Albert Dupontel in the urban polar (2003) by Nicolas Boukhrief and by attempting an entrenchment in the history movie “Il ne faut jurer de rien!” (2005).
As he became bankable, Jean Dujardin embodied tha agent OSS 177 – which gave him a nomination at the Cesar for the Best Actor in 2007 – and offers him a completely different role, a cop wanting to find who killed his daughter, in the dark “Contre Enquete”, first directing for Franck Mancuso, co-writer of “36, Quai des Orfèvres”. In 2007, Dujardin is Octave, the crazy publicist of “99F” by Jan Kounen, from Frederic Beigbeder’s best seller.
After getting a large sum of money in “Ca$h”, Jean Dujardin appears against Jean-Paul Belmondo in “Un home et son chien” and then another “OSS 117”, the spy who blunders faster than his shadow, before putting the cow-boy hat of Lucky Luke, who shoots faster than his shadow…

Nobody can stop the now favorite host on M6! Stéphane Rotenberg, who already hosts Top Chef broadcasted on M6 on Monday nights and who will host Pekin Express: La route des grands fauves will also be on M6 for the show La Meilleure Danse.
After seducing the public in September on the TNT channel W9 this dance show will come back on M6 once more with Stéphane Rotenberg.
This year again, Marie Agnès Gillot (dancer at the Opera of Paris), Franco Dragone (cirque du soleil) and Redha (dancer, choreographer) will judge the 42 selected candidates. Let’s come back on last season; the host already presented the show. The concept is simple: award the best couple of dancers.

The now famous intern of Canal Plus doesn’t back down for anything and got backstage of Les Victoires de la Musique.
Last Saturday, live from the Palais des Congrès in Paris, the musical award ceremony celebrate the best clip, the best discovery, and the best artist for 2011.
The ushers, as great as the star stud ceremony is, didn’t discourage the full of tricks Yuno who used his talk and his disconcerting look to entrench himself backstage with Laurent Voulzy, Jean-Louis Aubert, Stromae, Mika, Catherine Ringer, les Brigitte, Thomas Dutronc… a few minutes before entering the stage and getting their award.
See everything from March 13 for 2 special shows on Canal Street.

Miss France 1957, but most of all Mother to all Miss since then, it’s on this title Yuno went seducing the stainless Madame de Fontenay in a Parisian Hotel’s suite.
Another time, another place, it’s unplanned, just before coming onstage Yuno caught the Count of Bouderbala.
As a funny basketball player, the hairy mosquito that sucked his blood just when he was exiting his room surprised the monolith.

Yvan Bourgnon is a character.
Laurent Bourgnon’s little brother, whom he won the Jacques Vabre Transat with in 1997 is insatiable.
His taste for the sea comes from his parents who he does an around the world tour with, that lasted almost 4 years when he was 8.
It’s an authentic man, passionate, who we are happy to call a friend here in Atlantis TV.
His sportive and human values are shared with those of the company.
It’s a true trusting relationship that exists between the Swiss navigator and Atlantis Television.
When he decides in October 2013 to go on an around-the-world trip on a sailboat unlivable, it’s a real challenge launched: no weather info, no GPS… only a sextant, a cellular phone and traditional maps to guide him.
At first, Yvan is accompanied by Vincent Beauvarlet but after evily conditions at large of Corgone and an unplanned stop in Agadir, Vincent gives up. Yvan decided to go on alone.
In September 2014, during his trip, it’s in Atlantis TV that Yvan decides to edit an unexpected step in his challenge.
Yvan shipwrecked on August 6, 2014, off of Sri Lanka. His boat is destroyed and Yvan has to spend a few months fixing it, helped by partners such as Atlantis TV and an amazing energy.
Once on the journey again, Atlantis post produces and directs the editing of steps in the second part of his journey.
More info :

Philippe Lellouche; French actor, director, writer and singer; comes to dub the amazing show: TOP GEAR.
Hosted by a trio composed by Philippe Lellouche, Bruce Jouanny and Le Tone, this unique car entertainment show, promise to surprise you. Tests of supercars, impossible challenges, evilly races, building of weird cars are waiting for you!
Along with Gery Leymergie, the show producer, Philippe came to us to mis the program TOP GEAR in February 2015.

Philippe Nahon is a French actor who became famous thanks to “Seul contre Tous”. He also dubbed. In the Lord Of the Rings: the fellowship of the ring, he dubs the Tavernier’s voice, in the Bree city along with Arnold in Dragons’ hunters.
He came to Atlantis TV for the shooting of Crime Scene, a song from the rock band Ghostone. It’s a rock band efficient and powerful. They borrow the energy from metal, the emotion from progressive rock, creating a dark universe under the influence of their Mediterranean origins.
However, the band delivers live a real positive force thanks to the alchemy that united the 4 musicians.
Created in 2006, Ghostone is elected best rock band EMERGENZA 2008 at the Elysée Montmartre.

Joker is in post-production at Atlantis TV.
The TV game hosted by Olivier Minne is broadcasted on France 2 since February 16, 2015 at 6:15pm, every day from Monday to Friday.
Each candidate has the opportunity to win 50 000€. The candidate has to answer a quiz during a limited time and has 7 jokers to allow him to take out one of the proposition proposed as an answer.
Since it came to the little screen, the show has promising ratings and seems to be here to stay.
Hervé Hubert, the production company, trusts Atlantis Television.
Olivier Minne chose one of our editing rooms to realize his interviews for the show.

Editing the program “Frères de Sport”, Bixente Lizarazu was in Atlantis TV in December 2014 during a few weeks. The Basque athlete has many hats, including one of producer. With his production company “Itzala”, he produces adventure, discovery and sport movies, just like him.

On may, 16th of 2015 was the evenemential night for Gad Elmaleh’s 20 years on stage!
On this occasion, it’s Gad in person who came to check the show in Atlantis Television.
Indeed, 3 weeks before the show is broadcasted, Gad and his artistic team came to view and make the last editorial and creative changes.
Nothing is left unseen and, as a great pro, Gad wouldn’t have left this last editing step to anyone else. It’s an important editing step, and even more when it’s about an entire night on the same theme.
His 20 years on stage will be celebrated on TF1 et will be an adaptation from his last standup show with many guests, hosted by Christophe Dechavanne and followed by an exclusive documentary.
Gad even visited Nikos Aliagas’ exhibition and played the inception game by taking a picture in front of a picture.

On Monday, July 6th, at 6:40pm, M6 will broadcast “Chasseurs d’appart”, the new show hosted by Stephane Plaza.
On this occasion, the hos came to Atlantis Studios to do a few video tests.
The concept:
The daily show will create a competition, at 6:40pm, between 3 real-estate sellers for a week. They will become apartment hunters to find places to clients in location they don’t always know. Each day, the 3 apartment hunters will have to show a place… and one place only to their common client. They will each have two weeks to research. Stephane Plaza will be there to comment on the visits.
At the end of each day, the client will pick one of the 3 visited places, the one he preferred, and will allow the agent to win 1 point. If the client has a real crush and concludes a deal on the place, it won’t be 1 point but 3 for the agent. On every Friday, the 2 apartment hunters with the more points will battle in a finale and the winner could win 3000€.

Spoted in the halls of Atlantis Television… Chris Marques!
The epic jury of the famous show Dancing with the stars post-produced by Atlantis Television didn’t go unseen with his legendary do!
Let’s remind that he is also the Artistic Director and choreographer to the show!
We can feel that season 6 is preparing, and it will have a few changes, as the arriving of Fauve Hautot in the jury and Laurent Ournac coming in place of Vincent Cerutti.

The boxing World champion Jean-Marc Mormeck prepares for a few weeks for his new decisive fight.
That’s when Orange Sport’s team followed him with a Canon 5D MarkII, during his trainings, 15 days before his meet with Wladimir Klitschko in Germany.
Initially planned on December 10th of last year, the fight between the Ukrainian and Jean Marc Mormeck, part of the World Championship of heavy weights WBA/WBO/IBO/IBF, will finally take place on March 3rd at the Spirit Arena in Düsseldorf. Operated because of a kidney stone less than a week before the initial meet, the Ukrainian had to push back the fight to an ulterior date.
The special show on Mormeck is broadcasted live from Düsseldorf on Orange Sport.

Doppelganger or not doppelganger?
For the first broadcasting of the documentary “Daft Punk Unchained” on Canal Plus, on June 24, 2015; Thomas Bangalter and Guy Manuel de Homem Christo came to Atlantis to promote the event!
Produced by BBC France, this 90 minutes documentary juggles between interviews, archives and music to trace the secret history of the mysterious duo!
Do you think we were lucky enough to see the real duo?

The whole news department from TF1 chose La Paillote and Atlantis TV to celebrate the end of the season as it should be.
Spectial reporters and news department from the channel gathered around a meal especially prepared for the occasion.
Jean Pierre Pernaut, iconic presenter of the 1pm news program honored us with his presence! Nice, smiling and polite, he accepted to pose for a picture of this moment.

There is a sporty ambiance inside the studios today, with Christian Jeanpierre and Bernad Laporte.
The Rugby World cup begins in 30 days.
Christian Jeanpierre gathers with the former trainer of the French XV and actual trainer to the RC Toulon to comment the matches of the Rugby World Cup on TF1.

Today, François Berléand was in the Atlantis Television studios in order to dub the next documentary produced by Link Production: “Life during revolution” soon to be broadcasted on M6.
He is her, surrounded by the production team, Mac Lesggy, the show producer, Geraldine Mulliez, the production director along with Gilles Marliac, the director.

In 2008, football makes his revolution in Atlantis Television.
Every production are reunited for a tournament day with live bands, cheerleaders and a giant barbecue.
Between the Sunday players and the most powerful ones, teams got on the field to let of steam and giving the best of themselves, all in a great mood.
The Coproductione Cup will be back really soon! To be continued…

On Thursday January 15, 2015 at 6pm at La Paillote, Atlantis Television and UPPM partner up for a nice evening to celebrate epiphany.
Atlantis’ clients gathered to enjoy a king’s cake with a dj set to go along! Tasting and dance were the 2 worlds of this friendly night.
Universal Publishing Production Music. UPPM was created on February 1st, 2008 after 16 years of existence as Koka Media, a musical library launched by Frederic Leibovitz in 1982. UPPM gives you solutions to professional about music in television and other medias, proposing a service totally customized to their needs.

Beaujolais Nouveau
Just as every year, the new Beaujolais is the occasion to reunite in order to share a friendly moment at La Paillote. Around a drink and in a festive ambiance, Atlantis is always here to organize events that won’t disappoint you. The party for the Beaujolais has become one of our yearly rendezvous. We get warm, we laugh, we relax, and that’s also what is the Atlantis spirit! Adepts or curious came to taste this year’s novelty at la Paillote! Raisins? Pear? Cherry? What was the taste this year?

Since 2009, Atlantis Active installed some human and technical ressources for post-production inside the production company 17 Juin Media in Issy-Les-Moulineaux.
The production company, owned by Christian Gerin and created in 1992 is specialized in magazines, talk shows and documentaries.
Every day, “Le Magazine de la Santé” on France 5 has become a key program, just as “Faites entrer l’accusé” hosted by Frédéric Lantieri.
The technical means of Atlantis Studios adapt perfectly to the production’s need and follws the evolution of 17 Juin Media.
“Only produce what I want to watch on television” is the editorial promise of Christian Gérin, funder of 17 JUIN MEDIA.

In a calm and collected atmosphere, Guy Lagache is preparing his next two documentaries. “le Salon de l’Agriculture” will be the first subject for the programme “Enquête d’actualité” broadcast on Wednesday march 2nd on D8. For the second documentary, be patient! We’ll find out more about it in the next few days…

In January 2015, TV MAGAZINE chose Atlantis Television to shoot its cover with Cyril Hanouna and Jean-Pierre Elkabbach.
It’s the photographer Thomas Vollaire who signs the pictures of this exceptional cover between the journalist and the star host of D8.
It was the perfect occasion for Cyril Hanouna and Bixente Lizarazu, editing at the same time, to run into each other.

Pekin Express, the great adventure game of M6, brings 10 teams of competitors on the “road to the end of the world”. This season: the adventure in the most extreme way.
Candidates discover this year a new route and must live the most exhausting season of “Pekin Express”. They will travel through amazing landscapes, but also be confronted with extreme conditions and go through every emotion. They will be surprised, share, help each other, dream… but also suffer, want to quit, be afraid, resist, fight, and hate each other…
From the Amazonian jungle, from the top of the Ecuador volcano, in the dryness of the Atacama desert, the most arid of the world, to the Ushuaia cold and to Tierra del Fuego.
They will cross Ecuador, Chili, Argentina with only 1 euro per day and per person.
In every step of their journey, candidates will have to meet people of each town and village they’ll cross to ask them to help to travel and find a place to stay. In each episode, the team coming last across the finish line is on the verge of being out.
At the end of this adventure, only 2 teams will participate to the great finale in Ushuaia and will try to win the 100 000 euros.
“Pekin Express, the road to the end of the world” is the hardest edition of all “Pekin Express”. Candidates will have to transcend themselves in order to resist to the multiple climate changes and hope to get to the end of the world. They will have over 10 000km of adventure and colors…
Some coldness from glaciers to the hotness of desert.
Undersea vision in the Pacific to the top of the Cordillera of Andes.
Unknown language of indigenes to the universal poetry of Pablo Neruda.
From loneliness to excitement of mythical cities.
From tribe’s lore to popular traditions
From isolated villages to megalopolis.
From hard paths to never ending strait lines
From tropical sweat to the unbearable dryness
From unforgettable encounters to hard competition
From moment of peace to extreme fatigue
Atlantis Television prost produces the show Pekin Express and is disappointed by the stopping of it.
It was an amazing show, well produced and very well written.

CANAL + OVERSEAS is a branch of CANAL+, in charge of international and overseas departments.
Since 2006, Canal Overseas works with Atlantis Television to create teasers to present the different offers of Canal Plus for the Indian Ocean, Caribbean or Africa.
The settle a part of their office in Atlantis 3 so that they can have a privileged access to technical means supplied by Atlantis Television: fiber (broadcast/reception), editing, mixing.
A hundred videos are created each week.
Atlantis Television imagines and directed 3 ads added to promotional spots for Canal Overseas.

Atlantis Television is the technical and human partner to the postproduction of Football and Rugby World Cups since 2007.
This trusting relationship is constant and Atlantis knew how to adapt and propose some new solutions according to the time and needs of these programs.
Setting a fiber and a direct link between Atlantis’ technicians and TF1 Prod’s helps communication and images and info trade.
During the entire competition, we accelerate the rhythm and those changes allow the work and the production channel to continue easily.

The show edited in Atlantis Television will be broadcasted Thursday night at 10:40pm.
Hosted by Cyril Hanouna, the show is produced by H2O Productions and is dedicated to television and medias news.
For this program, Cyril Hanouna and his columnists are receiving Ariane Massenet on France 4.

Atlantis was, from the origin, side by side with Studio 89, for M6, and the creation of its famous cooking competitions, “Le Diner Presque Parfait”, “Objectif TopCHef” and “Top Chef” 6th season, currently made, with a new formula particularly appreciated by the audience. In 2011 Studio 89 produces “Cauchemar en Cuisine” hosted by the star chef, France’s best worker, Philippe Etchebest. This show echoes the British one “Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares” and is a real success.
This collaboration between Atlantis Television and Studio 89 is based on trust, reactivity and the capacity to adapt to the production’s needs. Indeed, if Studio 89 is a pioneer in cooking contests, the company evolves towards a completely different type, reality TV with the first season of “La Belle et ses Princes” that knew an immediate success on W9, but also on M6. Reuniting from their first episode over a million viewers, which was then the best rating for a reality show on TNT.
Studio 89 is axed on technical and technological innovation with their new program: “Rising Star”, broadcasted in September 2014. Atlantis Television did the postproduction of every video, for this live show in prime, in a record time!
This interactive show is the innovating concept of the year 2014.
Atlantis Studios are partners with Studio 89 for most shows, such as “Chasseurs d’appart”, “les Princes de l’Amour”, “Norbert Commis d’Office”, accompanying them on shooting as well as editing.

Atlantis Active is settling inside the press agency Tony Comiti in September 2015. An agency funded by Tony Comiti, a great reporter, and one of the main independent distributor of documentaries, reports and investigations for the biggest channels, French or foreigners.
Atlantis Studios settle 15 editing rooms AVIS, 1 nodal, 1 diffusion cell (broadcast/reception fibers), 1 PAD cell, 2 calibration rooms.
This site is linked to others by black fiber.
Atlantis Active makes available its technical competences for Tony Comiti Company.

Since 2010, BBC Worldwide France and Atlantis Television collaborate to create some shows produced by BBC Worldwide France.
“Danse avec les Stars”, with an average of 6,2 million viewers, is a success punctuated by Live, cha cha cha or mambo.
Every story in the show broadcasted live every Saturday on TF1 are post produced in Atlantis Studios with an organization around some daily shootings during rehearsals.
BBC and Atlantis Television are also together on the successful arrival of “Top Gear” in France. This show wasn’t left on a side with a record of viewers on TNT for March 2015 on RMC Découverte: 920 000 viewers and 3,6% of audience share.
The production company BBC evolves in formats and themes: “Le Meilleur Patissier”, “Cousu main”, “Hypnose” or “L’Atelier Déco” for France 2 that are as many targets and multiple formats.
Atlantis Television knows how to adapt to every type proposed by BBC Worldwide France and be reactive to help having a good editing and mixing of those shows.

ITV Studios are collaborating with Atlantis Television since 2011.
"4 mariages pour 1 lune de miel" , one of the first program post produced in Atlantis Television counts, on average, 1,6 million viewers.
The adventure goes on with “Hell’s Kitchen”, a concept including professionals coached by great specialists to improve and be able to do a great cuisine, but also “Importantissime”, a short-series of parodies about the backstage of a show. Among the different programs post produced in the Atlantis Studios we can cite: “Beauval”, backstage in the first zoo of France; “Aline au pays des merveilles”, that offer us her crushes and musical discoveries; “Qui chante le plus juste?” a giant karaoke receiving 100 candidates or again “Les Magiciens de l’extrême”, who bring us to the discovery of the most amazing and enigmatic numbers.
Finally, “Tout peut arriver,” broadcasted for the first time on February 11, 2015, adapted from the British show “Saturday Night Takeaway”, where the public is invited to discover some surprises about themselves.

Endemol launches its new adventure show on M6, and it’s Atlantis Television that’s been chosen for prost production.
It’s a new challenge for the production company and the channel. This collaboration was possible thanks to Thierry Guillaume, with whom we worked for year for “Pekin Express”.
After “Pekin Express”’ success, Stephane Rotenberg will lead this mystery program which concept is:
candidates have to cooperate in order to realize diverse physical and psychological challenges in order to obtain money that the finale winner will have. However, one of the candidates is a mole, a double agent scouted by production to sabotage the work of the rest of the group. This accomplice must be careful and not be discovered.
At the end of each episode, each candidate answers a questionnaire in order to determine who has information on the mole. The one with the least info is out of the adventure.

Everything starts with “Droit de Savoir” and Charles Villeneuve.
The producer and host of the magazine called Atlantis Television to take care of the post-production as soon as 2005
Via TAP, a branch in TF1, Atlantis Television lend the technical and human means to post-produce “Appels d’Urgence”, “90 min Enquêtes” or “50 minutes inside”.
For 10 year, Atlantis Television has been working in coordination with TF1 on key programs: “Téléfoot” and “Automoto”. There is an ever-lasting trust between the two companies. TF1 Prod now produces those programs.
TF1 is also present in Atlantis Television for exceptional primes such as “Danse avec les Stars” or even exclusive shows such as “20 ans de scène de Gad Elmaeh”.
This professional relationship is based on trust and communication.
Always listening to the group TF1, Atlantis Studios follow the evolution of the channel as much on the technical plan than on the editorial one, adapting our performance to their anticipated needs or the last-minute ones.
With some exclusive realization for sportive events such as the FIFA world cup, Atlantis Television is procuring every technical means necessary to the good development of those programs’ production.
This companionship through pilots and already installed show are the cement of this collaboration.

In 2008, football makes his revolution in Atlantis Television.
Every production are reunited for a tournament day with live bands, cheerleaders and a giant barbecue.
Between the Sunday players and the most powerful ones, teams got on the field to let of steam and giving the best of themselves, all in a great mood.
The Coproductione Cup will be back really soon! To be continued…

It’s in Atlantis Television that the “making of” of Emir Kusturica’s movie « Life is a miracle » got edited.
The Serbian moviemaker, actor and musician, also of French nationality, twice winner of the Palme d’Or in Cannes Festival, came check on the editing.

Cantona almost naked at Atlantis Télévision
Trendier than ever, Atlantis television received Eric Cantona on set for a very artistic strip that you’ll be able to watch exclusively on a public channel very soon.
Of course, he did not avoid the taking a picture in the photo booth with his local fan club after.
The former international football player Eric Cantona said Tuesday that being French is not only to sing the “Marseillaise” or to read Guy Môquet’s letter, but first and foremost, be revolutionary upon a system which forced some people to live “in the streets”.
“Being French, is it the duty to speak French, sing the Marseillaise, read Guy Môquet’s letter? This is being dumb!” he said, being asked about his opinion on the debate around the national identity, during the presentation to the press of his book of pictures of people ill housed conducted for the Abbé Pierre’s Foundation. “I’m not saying that singing the Marseillaise is being dumb, but building all of this (the national identity, ed. note) on it…” he specified.
“Being French, it’s being revolutionary, first (…) We cannot endorse everything that’s happening” added this grand son of Spanish and Italian immigrants, member of the Friends Comity and godfather to the Foundation.
Politicians “raise debates just before the elections. Everybody knows it but (…) we are actually helping them because that’s what they want” he said. “So, let’s stop talking about it, and let’s talk about some more serious and really bad things”.
Talking about his work of photography of French people without any decent roof over their heads, he judged “inacceptable to see this in a rich country”.
“What worries me”, he resumed, “is that there are people who see this misery but get used to it”. Whe get used to this system, to see people in the streets, to everything our TV says, to the politicians’ manipulations, to the cramming” he declared.
“We have to fight against ourselves, against our biases, against the easiness of some ideas”, and, “stop thinking it’s part of the décor”, he said.
The actor and former football star Eric Cantona is playing for the first time on stage at the Marigny Theater in Paris in “Facing paradise” of Nathalie Saugeon: a challenge according to his lover Rachida Brakni, who realizes her first solo directing.
As a sign of popularity in England for the former attacker of Manchester United in the 90’s, talked about by Ken Loach in a movie “Looking For Eric”, presented at the last Cannes Festival, the English press showed an unusual interest for a Parisian play in the last few days.
Without “King Eric”, 43, this two-actors play (with Lorànt Deutsch, a familiar figure in private theater) signed by a contemporary author unknown and in a little theater (311 places) would certainly not have taken all the attention from a very busy Parisian season.
The theatric baptism of Eric Cantona, under the direction of his wife Rachida Brakni (33 on February 15) helped the play to stand out. Both actors met on the shooting of “l’Outremangeur”, out in 2003, and Rachida Brakni flirted with the envy to bring Eric Cantona into her artistic field. She is a former student of the Conservatory, and shined on stage, particularly at the Comédie-Française where she was a regular (2001-2004), even winning a Molière for the theatrical revelation (in 2002, along with a Cesar of best feminine hope).
“I really wanted to put Eric Cantona on stage, I wanted to be the first to do it: egoistically, I wanted to be the one helping him discovering his passion for theater” she explained to AFP
On stage at Popesco, Eric Cantona will play Max, a prisoner in the ruins of a building that just collapsed. Hurt, he manages to contact a voluble man, Lubin (Lorànt Deutsch), who could get out of the debris but at the expense of his unfortunate companion.
“They find themselves in a complicated situation which brings them to look themselves in a mirror and see what sense they gave to their life”, analyzes Rachida Brakni, who talks of a closed place with every element to a psychological drama and a kind of suspense.”
the director had “no worry” concerning Eric Cantona’s capacity to blossom on stage. “With his personality and his aura, I told myself he knew what to do. More so because he is a former athlete, he’s not afraid by a lot of work and discipline”. Even with 12 parts in movies (since 1995), the former international is not really prepared for a difficulty specifically theatrical, the one “being without a safety net’ every night, admits his lover.
During the long rehearsals, Eric Cantona was worried “with doubts, just like everyone”, she underlines, “but it’s someone who’s not afraid of challenges, he likes to gamble. I think he is going to be transcended by stage fright”.
Giving birth to Eric Cantona on May 24, 1966, his mother wouldn’t have think he was going to change football. Simply. The young man from Marseille joined the formation center in Auxerre, where he learns a lot before realizing his big debut with a pro team in 1983. In 1986, his great season gets him his first international selection. He wins the Europe Promising Championship in 1988 and signs directly a contract with Marseille. In august, unhappy not being selected by Henri Michel, France’s coach, he wont hesitate to publicly insult the coach. It’s the first newsworthy demonstration for Cantona, whose life will be punctuated by those declarations and gestures full of sincerity.
In January 1989, during a friendly match with Marseille, Canto as he is nicknamed, gets benched. Unhappy, he throws his jersey on the floor, which signs the end of this adventure in Marseille. He then joins Montepellier-Hérault with which he wins the France Cup. After an aborted return to Marseille because of a serious injury, he goes to Nîmes. Eric Cantona lets his nature speak, and during a match particularly hard, where arbitral decisions don’t suit him, he delicately disagrees with the referee, throwing him a ball to the face. The federation suspends him for a month, Canto answers through TV, and the Federation extends his suspension… Because of resentment or pride, the player breaks his contract and decides to end his career.
But his fans didn’t want that, among them, Michel Platini who persuades him to continue his career in England. He signs in Leeds, in January 92 and wins the England championship. He then becomes the favorite to the supporters. But his relations with the directors are not the same, and he leaves Leeds in December 1992 for Manchester United. He helps bringing he club back on the podium, winning multiple titles. He then becomes “King Eric”. Elected best player ever in Manchester United, the troubled child of French football didn’t loose anything of his nature. On January 25, 1995,in front of TV cameras, he does a “mawashigari, circular foot kick” on a supporter of the other team who had the audacity to insult him. Far from apologizing, The King had this answer that made his legend: “When birds follow a boat, it’s because they think fishes will be thrown into the sea…”.
A true icon, Eric Cantona quickly becomes the favorite to brands. He then appears in a lot of advertising campaigns, which was a sign for his later career. At 30, and after an ultimate champion title, the Marseille’s boy retires definitely to dedicate himself to his two passions: painting and cinema.
We then find him in “Le Bonheur est dans le pré” or “Mookie”. In 1998, he shines in “Les Enfants du Marais” where he befriends Michel Serrault and Jacques Villeret. He has the main character in “l’Outremangeur”, along with Rachida Brakni, whom he weds on June 16, 2007.
2008 : Lisa et le pilote d'avion, Philippe Barassat
2007 : Le Deuxième souffle, d'Alain Corneau
2005 : La Vie est à nous!, Gérard Krawczyk
2005 : Une belle histoire, Philippe Dajoux
2003 : L'Outremangeur, Thierry Binisti
2001 : La Grande vie!, Philippe Dajoux
1999 : Les Enfants du marais, Jean Becker
1998 : Mookie, Hervé Palud
1998 : Elizabeth, Shekhar Kapur
1997 : Question d'honneur, Richard Aujard
1995 : Le Bonheur est dans le pré, Etienne Chatiliez

It’s in the production offices situated on one of the Village des Prods in Atlantis 3 that Rachel and Franz-Olivier Giesbert are working daily for France 2 and their new show “Semaine critique”
Since Firday, September 3 at 11om on France 2, the show is broadcasted. It’s a cultural magazine. Proposed by Rachel Kahn and Franz-Olivier Giesbert, with the collaboration of Alexis Kebas.
Hosted by Franz-Olivier Giesbert.
This new show is dedicated to the cultural news with, each week, some debates on the set. Franz-Olivier Giesbert is accompanied by intellectuals, and some speakers from the cultural world to lead the weekly debate such as David Abiker, Fabrice d’Almeida, Nicolas Bedos, Caroline Fourest, Elizabeth Levy, Marion Ruggieri, Adélaïde de Clermont-Tonnerre.

The DVD will come out on December 1st, 2010. In this new adventure, Jamel invited his friends, comedian or not, to participate to a dozen short films created by him and his team.

To Christophe Koszarek’s demand, JARA PROD, producer of “Médias, le magazine” on France 5, the comedian will dive into the very close world of escorting. Mireille Darc goes to meet people, men, and women, transsexuals who practice it.
Away from poetic images of beautiful women with billionaires, this documentary shows that escorting has largely evolved and is now a solution for everyone. Mothers, students, seniors confide in Mireille through testimonies that helps understand the different faces of escorting.
Synonym of prostitute for some, little job for other, unique way to survive or even a real enjoyment, it appears in the movie that it exists as many definition of escorting as there are people practicing it. Each of them justifying their own arguments: humans or economics. Getting closer to escorts, Mireille Darc takes a look without judging, on this activity in full expansion and wishes to show that escorts are normal citizens, who we know and have a shadow: another life.
This troubled universe, full of charms and paid sex, was already an object of Mireille Darc’s directing.
Indeed, she directed a documentary on the pornographic universe, A life classified X. Her work on escort girls will be her 10th documentary, still on delicate topics.
This new documentary will be broadcast around the end of the year, late in the evening on France 3.
« Red Zone » : provisory title
Diffusion : documentary series “Déshabillez-nous” on France 3
Length: 52’
Director : Mireille Darc
Mireille Darc’s biography
Some star stories are full of accidents, some other are not. Mireille Darc’s journey (born as Mireille Aigroz) looks like a well-deserved success story and helped with invisible helping winds.
Born in Toulon on May 15, 1938 in a family that already counts 2 boys, this daughter of an horticulturist from Switzerland (she discovered in 2007 that he wasn’t her real father, the real one was named Edmond, was a marine on the Amiral-Charner and died in Indochina during the second World War), and of a grocer mother new really early how she wanted to live her life: she wanted to become an actor. She consequently gets into the Conservatory of Dramatic Arts of her town, where she wins the Excellency price the year of her bac. In 1959, Mireille Darc comes to Paris to achieve her dream. After only a few monthes of little jobs and some modeling, she gets the main part in La Grande Brétèche of Claude Barma. From 1960, the movie industry likes her, and reveals her to the public in Les Distractions of Jacques Dupont.
As often in those amazing careers, an encounter becomes a lot more important than others: it’s George Lautner who will be her Pygmalion, directing her in 13 movies and making a star out of her. Galia, created in 1965, is the real beginning of her career and glory. Mireille Darc will part in 30 movies during her career. The shooting of La Grande Sauterelle in 1966 will give her her nickname: the grasshopper. Not long after playing for Godard, in 1968, on the shooting of Jeff, of Jean Herman, Mireille Darc meets Alain Delon: they will share 15 years together and will often reunite on screen (l’Homme Pressé, Mort d’un Pourri, Les Seins de Glace, Borsalino), and on TV (Franck Riva in 2003) or on the wood of theaters (Sur la Route de Madison, 2007), even after their divorce.
During the 70’s, Mireille Darc shoots movies on an elevated rhythm, for and with the greatest (Deray, Molinaro, Lautner, Pirès): her participation in both movies of Le Grand Blond with Pierre Richard will turn her into the sexy and popular hero. During the next decade, she takes some time apart the movie industry to dedicate herself to photography, television and theater.
Unfortunately, this beautiful time is not easy and Mireille Darc has to go through some rough years: a really serious car accident, an open-heart surgery, and her separation with Alain Delon… At the end of the 80’s, she goes towards directing (with La Barbare) and the medico-social topics (she signs some documentaries for Envoyé Spécial of Des Racines et des Ailes, for example on organ transplant, prostitutes, people with cancer…) She loses the second love of her life, the writer and journalist, Pierre Barret, who died tragically.
In 1996, she meets the architect Pascal Desprez, who she is married with now. During the following years, Mireille Darc comes back to the screen, becoming a must in the summer sagas: Terre Indigo, le Bleu de l’Océan, les Coeurs Brûlés, les Yeux d’Hélène. In 2005, she becomes a godmother to the association LA Chaîne de l’Espoir, and she gets the title of Chevalier de l’Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur the next year directly from Jacques Chirac’s hand, president of France. She published her autobiography in 2006 “Tant que battra mon Coeur”.

Jean Dujardin came to Atlantis: pro inside the studio, and even more after.
Bingo 2009
Behind him on the podium, Dany Boon won a lill’ 3 million euros, but was offered half a million more for a film than Mister Jean. The OSS 117 hero earned 4, 4 million euros and can now pretend to a 2 million fee per film.
Loulou, alias Jean Dujardin can be happy! In 2009, he was the best paid actor in France.
First woman on the podium, Sophie Marceau is just behind Dany Boon with 2, 9 million euros of fees.
Jean Dujardin begins his life as a shimmer and locksmith.
It’s during his military service that his talent is revealed: the army will be a great source of inspiration to him.
He came to Paris, and plays in some bars, meets in the Carré Blanc Theater those – Bruno Salomone, Eric Collado, Eric Massot and Emmanuel Joucla – who he will build the “Nous C Nous” with. They create a new shows, a song simply called “Nous C Nous” and enjoy the best period of Fiesta, by Patrick Sebastien on France 2.
Between 1997 and 1998, Jean Dujardin is a three times winner of the comic category in Graine de Stars.
Making him a place on the little screen, he becomes famous thanks to his character of Loulou, he personifies from October 11, 1999 to June 2003 in the miniseries Un Gars, Une Fille with Alexandra Lamy (who will become his companion).
After an apparition in the sketches movie “A l’Abris des Regards Indiscrets” (2002) and he embodies a Weston seller in the comedy” Ah! Si j’Etais Riche” (id.), he is offered a more important role, as the ideal man in “Toutes les Filles en sont Folles”.
His name becomes synonym of success as the box office tells with Mariages! (2003) and most of all Brice de Nice (2004), where he resuscitates his favorite character of a “surfer winner” created 10 years earlier onstage. Team mate with Pascal Elbé in the police comedy “L’Amour aux Trousses” (2005) Jean Dujardin enlarges his repertoire as an actor by playing a conveyor along with Albert Dupontel in the urban polar (2003) by Nicolas Boukhrief and by attempting an entrenchment in the history movie “Il ne faut jurer de rien!” (2005).
As he became bankable, Jean Dujardin embodied tha agent OSS 177 – which gave him a nomination at the Cesar for the Best Actor in 2007 – and offers him a completely different role, a cop wanting to find who killed his daughter, in the dark “Contre Enquete”, first directing for Franck Mancuso, co-writer of “36, Quai des Orfèvres”. In 2007, Dujardin is Octave, the crazy publicist of “99F” by Jan Kounen, from Frederic Beigbeder’s best seller.
After getting a large sum of money in “Ca$h”, Jean Dujardin appears against Jean-Paul Belmondo in “Un home et son chien” and then another “OSS 117”, the spy who blunders faster than his shadow, before putting the cow-boy hat of Lucky Luke, who shoots faster than his shadow…

Nobody can stop the now favorite host on M6! Stéphane Rotenberg, who already hosts Top Chef broadcasted on M6 on Monday nights and who will host Pekin Express: La route des grands fauves will also be on M6 for the show La Meilleure Danse.
After seducing the public in September on the TNT channel W9 this dance show will come back on M6 once more with Stéphane Rotenberg.
This year again, Marie Agnès Gillot (dancer at the Opera of Paris), Franco Dragone (cirque du soleil) and Redha (dancer, choreographer) will judge the 42 selected candidates. Let’s come back on last season; the host already presented the show. The concept is simple: award the best couple of dancers.

The now famous intern of Canal Plus doesn’t back down for anything and got backstage of Les Victoires de la Musique.
Last Saturday, live from the Palais des Congrès in Paris, the musical award ceremony celebrate the best clip, the best discovery, and the best artist for 2011.
The ushers, as great as the star stud ceremony is, didn’t discourage the full of tricks Yuno who used his talk and his disconcerting look to entrench himself backstage with Laurent Voulzy, Jean-Louis Aubert, Stromae, Mika, Catherine Ringer, les Brigitte, Thomas Dutronc… a few minutes before entering the stage and getting their award.
See everything from March 13 for 2 special shows on Canal Street.

Miss France 1957, but most of all Mother to all Miss since then, it’s on this title Yuno went seducing the stainless Madame de Fontenay in a Parisian Hotel’s suite.
Another time, another place, it’s unplanned, just before coming onstage Yuno caught the Count of Bouderbala.
As a funny basketball player, the hairy mosquito that sucked his blood just when he was exiting his room surprised the monolith.

Yvan Bourgnon is a character.
Laurent Bourgnon’s little brother, whom he won the Jacques Vabre Transat with in 1997 is insatiable.
His taste for the sea comes from his parents who he does an around the world tour with, that lasted almost 4 years when he was 8.
It’s an authentic man, passionate, who we are happy to call a friend here in Atlantis TV.
His sportive and human values are shared with those of the company.
It’s a true trusting relationship that exists between the Swiss navigator and Atlantis Television.
When he decides in October 2013 to go on an around-the-world trip on a sailboat unlivable, it’s a real challenge launched: no weather info, no GPS… only a sextant, a cellular phone and traditional maps to guide him.
At first, Yvan is accompanied by Vincent Beauvarlet but after evily conditions at large of Corgone and an unplanned stop in Agadir, Vincent gives up. Yvan decided to go on alone.
In September 2014, during his trip, it’s in Atlantis TV that Yvan decides to edit an unexpected step in his challenge.
Yvan shipwrecked on August 6, 2014, off of Sri Lanka. His boat is destroyed and Yvan has to spend a few months fixing it, helped by partners such as Atlantis TV and an amazing energy.
Once on the journey again, Atlantis post produces and directs the editing of steps in the second part of his journey.
More info :

Philippe Lellouche; French actor, director, writer and singer; comes to dub the amazing show: TOP GEAR.
Hosted by a trio composed by Philippe Lellouche, Bruce Jouanny and Le Tone, this unique car entertainment show, promise to surprise you. Tests of supercars, impossible challenges, evilly races, building of weird cars are waiting for you!
Along with Gery Leymergie, the show producer, Philippe came to us to mis the program TOP GEAR in February 2015.

Philippe Nahon is a French actor who became famous thanks to “Seul contre Tous”. He also dubbed. In the Lord Of the Rings: the fellowship of the ring, he dubs the Tavernier’s voice, in the Bree city along with Arnold in Dragons’ hunters.
He came to Atlantis TV for the shooting of Crime Scene, a song from the rock band Ghostone. It’s a rock band efficient and powerful. They borrow the energy from metal, the emotion from progressive rock, creating a dark universe under the influence of their Mediterranean origins.
However, the band delivers live a real positive force thanks to the alchemy that united the 4 musicians.
Created in 2006, Ghostone is elected best rock band EMERGENZA 2008 at the Elysée Montmartre.

Joker is in post-production at Atlantis TV.
The TV game hosted by Olivier Minne is broadcasted on France 2 since February 16, 2015 at 6:15pm, every day from Monday to Friday.
Each candidate has the opportunity to win 50 000€. The candidate has to answer a quiz during a limited time and has 7 jokers to allow him to take out one of the proposition proposed as an answer.
Since it came to the little screen, the show has promising ratings and seems to be here to stay.
Hervé Hubert, the production company, trusts Atlantis Television.
Olivier Minne chose one of our editing rooms to realize his interviews for the show.

Editing the program “Frères de Sport”, Bixente Lizarazu was in Atlantis TV in December 2014 during a few weeks. The Basque athlete has many hats, including one of producer. With his production company “Itzala”, he produces adventure, discovery and sport movies, just like him.

On may, 16th of 2015 was the evenemential night for Gad Elmaleh’s 20 years on stage!
On this occasion, it’s Gad in person who came to check the show in Atlantis Television.
Indeed, 3 weeks before the show is broadcasted, Gad and his artistic team came to view and make the last editorial and creative changes.
Nothing is left unseen and, as a great pro, Gad wouldn’t have left this last editing step to anyone else. It’s an important editing step, and even more when it’s about an entire night on the same theme.
His 20 years on stage will be celebrated on TF1 et will be an adaptation from his last standup show with many guests, hosted by Christophe Dechavanne and followed by an exclusive documentary.
Gad even visited Nikos Aliagas’ exhibition and played the inception game by taking a picture in front of a picture.

On Monday, July 6th, at 6:40pm, M6 will broadcast “Chasseurs d’appart”, the new show hosted by Stephane Plaza.
On this occasion, the hos came to Atlantis Studios to do a few video tests.
The concept:
The daily show will create a competition, at 6:40pm, between 3 real-estate sellers for a week. They will become apartment hunters to find places to clients in location they don’t always know. Each day, the 3 apartment hunters will have to show a place… and one place only to their common client. They will each have two weeks to research. Stephane Plaza will be there to comment on the visits.
At the end of each day, the client will pick one of the 3 visited places, the one he preferred, and will allow the agent to win 1 point. If the client has a real crush and concludes a deal on the place, it won’t be 1 point but 3 for the agent. On every Friday, the 2 apartment hunters with the more points will battle in a finale and the winner could win 3000€.

Spoted in the halls of Atlantis Television… Chris Marques!
The epic jury of the famous show Dancing with the stars post-produced by Atlantis Television didn’t go unseen with his legendary do!
Let’s remind that he is also the Artistic Director and choreographer to the show!
We can feel that season 6 is preparing, and it will have a few changes, as the arriving of Fauve Hautot in the jury and Laurent Ournac coming in place of Vincent Cerutti.

The boxing World champion Jean-Marc Mormeck prepares for a few weeks for his new decisive fight.
That’s when Orange Sport’s team followed him with a Canon 5D MarkII, during his trainings, 15 days before his meet with Wladimir Klitschko in Germany.
Initially planned on December 10th of last year, the fight between the Ukrainian and Jean Marc Mormeck, part of the World Championship of heavy weights WBA/WBO/IBO/IBF, will finally take place on March 3rd at the Spirit Arena in Düsseldorf. Operated because of a kidney stone less than a week before the initial meet, the Ukrainian had to push back the fight to an ulterior date.
The special show on Mormeck is broadcasted live from Düsseldorf on Orange Sport.

Doppelganger or not doppelganger?
For the first broadcasting of the documentary “Daft Punk Unchained” on Canal Plus, on June 24, 2015; Thomas Bangalter and Guy Manuel de Homem Christo came to Atlantis to promote the event!
Produced by BBC France, this 90 minutes documentary juggles between interviews, archives and music to trace the secret history of the mysterious duo!
Do you think we were lucky enough to see the real duo?

The whole news department from TF1 chose La Paillote and Atlantis TV to celebrate the end of the season as it should be.
Spectial reporters and news department from the channel gathered around a meal especially prepared for the occasion.
Jean Pierre Pernaut, iconic presenter of the 1pm news program honored us with his presence! Nice, smiling and polite, he accepted to pose for a picture of this moment.

There is a sporty ambiance inside the studios today, with Christian Jeanpierre and Bernad Laporte.
The Rugby World cup begins in 30 days.
Christian Jeanpierre gathers with the former trainer of the French XV and actual trainer to the RC Toulon to comment the matches of the Rugby World Cup on TF1.

Today, François Berléand was in the Atlantis Television studios in order to dub the next documentary produced by Link Production: “Life during revolution” soon to be broadcasted on M6.
He is her, surrounded by the production team, Mac Lesggy, the show producer, Geraldine Mulliez, the production director along with Gilles Marliac, the director.

On Thursday January 15, 2015 at 6pm at La Paillote, Atlantis Television and UPPM partner up for a nice evening to celebrate epiphany.
Atlantis’ clients gathered to enjoy a king’s cake with a dj set to go along! Tasting and dance were the 2 worlds of this friendly night.
Universal Publishing Production Music. UPPM was created on February 1st, 2008 after 16 years of existence as Koka Media, a musical library launched by Frederic Leibovitz in 1982. UPPM gives you solutions to professional about music in television and other medias, proposing a service totally customized to their needs.

Beaujolais Nouveau
Just as every year, the new Beaujolais is the occasion to reunite in order to share a friendly moment at La Paillote. Around a drink and in a festive ambiance, Atlantis is always here to organize events that won’t disappoint you. The party for the Beaujolais has become one of our yearly rendezvous. We get warm, we laugh, we relax, and that’s also what is the Atlantis spirit! Adepts or curious came to taste this year’s novelty at la Paillote! Raisins? Pear? Cherry? What was the taste this year?